Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Physics Project Reflection #2

As we have been working on our physics project, we came upon problems with the tape. As we build the roller coaster, it stays held up well, but when we come back and check it the next day, it's basically apart. So we just baught more tape, including double sided tape, which helped us. Also with the tape, the duct tape we use to put the pipes together causes friction which slows down the marble so that the marble can't go through the loop. I feel like we are ahead of our class because we are always bringing in materials and are on task, and we try to put things together carefully. A frustration we've had is getting the loop to work every time we come back to check our project. What has been cool is when it actually works because the way we structured it is pretty cool and the way the marble works through the whole thing I think is impressive.



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